

Frequent incidents in the market of foreign teachers In 2018, Ms. Wang, who now lives in Southern California, USA, discovered that the real identity of her favourite foreign college teacher was actually one of 15 murder suspects urgently arrested in the United States. According to information published on the website of the US Department of …

外教在中国挣钱真的那么容易吗?|成为一名合法的外教分几步 查看全文 »


2022年疫情期间外国人来华签证到期如何处理? |保姆级教程

Learn about the types of ordinary visas: 1. F-Visa: Issued to those who are invited to China for visits, inspections, lectures, business, scientific and cultural exchanges, short-term studies, internships, and other activities of not more than 6 months 2. L-Visa: Issued to those who come to China for tourism, family visits or other personal affairs …

2022年疫情期间外国人来华签证到期如何处理? |保姆级教程 查看全文 »

keywords:Юрист в Китае Юрист в Китае