Wiza i imigracja


Jak poradzić sobie z wygaśnięciem wiz dla cudzoziemców w Chinach podczas epidemii 2022? | Samouczek dotyczący poziomu niani

Learn about the types of ordinary visas: 1. F-Visa: Issued to those who are invited to China for visits, inspections, lectures, business, scientific and cultural exchanges, short-term studies, internships, and other activities of not more than 6 months 2. L-Visa: Issued to those who come to China for tourism, family visits or other personal affairs …

Jak poradzić sobie z wygaśnięciem wiz dla cudzoziemców w Chinach podczas epidemii 2022? | Samouczek dotyczący poziomu niani Czytaj więcej "

Wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć przed przyjazdem do Chin

Key words: China, foreigner, culture, language, food, visa, social media From the writer The content of this report will be based on my personal experience for five years, the experience of my friends and acquaintances. In my opinion, five years is not enough to understand all the cultural, linguistic, historical, spiritual, economic and legal nuances …

Wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć przed przyjazdem do Chin Czytaj więcej "

keywords:Юрист в Китае Юрист в Китае