
Catalogue of Industries Encouraged for Foreign Investment ( 2020 year edition) National Catalogue of Industries Encouraged for Foreign Investment   1. Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery Planting, development and production of woody edible oils, seasonings and industrial raw materials Green, organic vegetables (including edible fungi, watermelon), dried and fresh fruits, tea cultivation technology development, planting and product production Wine grape breeding, planting, production Breeding, planting and production of beer raw materials New technology development and product production of sugar crops, fruit trees, pastures and other crops Cultivation and Development of New Plant Varieties for High Yield and High Efficiency Silage Construction and operation of flower production and nursery bases …

外国投資を奨励する産業のカタログ もっと読む »

card, debit card, credit-6353650.jpg


Author: Anel How to open a Chinese bank account for a foreigner? Key words: bank, debit card, credit card, Alipay, Taobao, China. Many people go to China for work or to travel for a long period. In China, it is more convenient to use various services with a local bank card that connects to all paid applications. But this case has its own nuances. A Chinese bank card is needed for basic monetary transactions in China. Whether it’s transferring money to suppliers, buying goods from Chinese vendors , or paying for public transport and buying food in a store, you will definitely need a bank card issued in China. For …

中国でデビットカードを開く方法 もっと読む »

keywords:Юрист в Китае Юрист в Китае