Standard di classificazione per gli stranieri che lavorano in Cina (prova)

Annex 3:

Standard di classificazione per gli stranieri che lavorano in Cina (prova)

Establish a scientific and practical foreign talent evaluation system, pay attention to ability, actual performance and contribution, highlight market demand orientation such as market evaluation and international peer evaluation (see the description of the recognition standards for recognized professional achievements of foreign high-end talents, hereinafter referred to as the description of achievement standards), and comprehensively apply the According to the point point system (see the scoring and assignment table of points), the catalogue of foreigners working in China, labor market testing and quota management, etc., foreigners who come to work in China are divided into three categories: A, B, and C, and they are managed according to the standards.

  1. Foreign high-end talents (category A)

Scientists, leading scientific and technological talents, international entrepreneurs, special talents and other high-end foreign high-end talents urgently needed by China’s economic and social development, who meet the key and catalogue of foreign talents introduced by the state and one of the following conditions, are determined as Category A, Implement “green channel” and “vacancy tolerance” services.

(1) Those selected for the domestic talent introduction plan

Talent introduction plan approved by the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs or approved by the competent department of talent at the sub-provincial level

(See Achievement Criteria Note 1).

(2) Those who meet the internationally recognized standards for the recognition of professional achievements

  1. Nobel laureates (physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, economics).
  2. Recipients of the following awards: US National Medal of Science, US National Medal for Technological Innovation; French National Research Center Research Medal; British Royal Gold Medal; Copley Medal; Turing Award; Fields Medal; Wolf Prize in Mathematics; Abel The Lasker Prize; the Crafford Prize; the Japan International Prize; the Kyoto Prize; the Shaw Prize; the prestigious Architecture Prize (see Achievement Criteria Note 2); the prestigious Industrial Design Award (see Achievement Criteria Note 3).
  1. Academician of National Academy of Sciences and Academy of Engineering.
  2. Served as members, members and directors of internationally renowned academic institutions such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (see Achievement Standard Description 4) and international organizations of science and education.
  3. Director and senior researcher of national institutes or national laboratories of various countries.
  4. The project leader, chief scientist or key member of national science and technology plan projects.
  5. He has served as the editor-in-chief, deputy editor-in-chief and senior member of international high-level scientific and technological journals (JCR 1 and 2).
  6. Published 3 papers as the first author or corresponding author (including authors with equivalent contributions) in international high-level scientific and technological journals (JCR 1 and 2 of the Journal Citation Report in their professional field).
  7. Those who have held middle-level or above management positions in high-level universities outside the country (overseas) or employed as professors or associate professors.
  8. He has served as a senior management position in the headquarters of a Fortune 500 company (see Achievement Criteria 5) and a key member of technology research and development, a management position above the deputy general manager of a secondary company or regional headquarters, and the person in charge of technology research and development.
  9. He has held senior management positions in internationally renowned financial institutions (see Achievement Criteria 6) and internationally renowned accounting firms (See Achievement Criteria 7).
  10. Principals, vice-presidents and professors and associate professors of world-renowned music, fine arts, and art schools (see Achievement Criteria Note 8).
  1. Served as chief conductor and part player in a world-renowned orchestra (see Achievement Criteria 9).
  2. Artists who have performed in solo performances at world-renowned opera houses (see Achievement Criteria 10) or concert halls (see Achievement Criteria 11).
  3. Received prestigious literary awards (see Achievement Criteria 12), Famous Film, Television, and Drama Awards (See Achievement Criteria 13), Famous Music Awards (See Achievement Criteria 14), Famous Advertising Awards (See Achievement Criteria 15) The highest-level individual awards and international famous art competitions (see Achievement Criteria Description 16) Category 1 Competition Award, First Prize or Category 2 Competition Award Individual awards and have served as judges for the above awards and competitions.
  4. The Olympic Games or the last two World Cups, World Championships and other important international events included in the Olympic Games (see Achievement Criteria 17) have entered the top eight and the Asian Games or the last two Asian Cups and Asian Championships included in the Asian Games. Top three well-known athletes, head coaches responsible for training or core members of the coaching staff.
  5. Have held leadership positions above ministerial level in foreign government agencies, and held senior leadership positions in well-known international organizations or non-governmental organizations (see Achievement Criteria Note 18).
  6. Winners of world and national skills competitions or professionals engaged in the training of their competition projects; high-skilled talents holding the highest international vocational skills qualification certificate or my country’s senior technician vocational skills qualification certificate.

(3) Foreign talents who meet the needs of market-oriented encouraged positions

  1. Centrally-owned enterprises and secondary subsidiaries, global or regional headquarters of Fortune 500 companies, national high-tech enterprises (recognized by science and technology departments at or above the provincial level), large enterprises

(See Achievement Criteria Note 19) Persons employed in senior management or technical positions. 2. In the state-recognized enterprise engineering research center (recognized by the development and reform department),

Personnel with senior management or technical positions working in engineering laboratories (recognized by the development and reform department), engineering technology research centers (recognized by the science and technology department), enterprise technology centers (recognized by the credit department) and local technology innovation service platforms (recognized by the science and technology department) . 3. Senior managers employed by domestic and foreign medium-sized enterprises (see Achievement Criteria 19)

Personnel with managerial or technical positions, or the chairman, legal representative, general manager or chief technical officer employed by small foreign-invested enterprises that meet the items of encouraged industries in the Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries and the items in the Catalogue of Advantageous Industries for Foreign Investment in the Central and Western Regions expert.

  1. Persons who are employed as senior management positions or above in institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutions, or associate professors, associate researchers, senior lecturers and senior internship instructors employed by vocational colleges and other professional and technical positions above the deputy senior level.
  2. Personnel employed in senior management positions or professional and technical positions at or above the deputy senior level by domestic top three general hospitals or specialized hospitals in cities above the sub-provincial level or foreign-funded hospitals.
  3. Principal conductors, artistic directors and principal performers employed by domestic first-class orchestras and other art groups (see Achievement Criteria 20).
  4. Personnel with senior management or technical positions such as editor-in-chief, deputy editor-in-chief, chief announcer, senior presenter, planning supervisor, layout design supervisor, etc., employed by the central and local mainstream media (see Achievement Criteria 21).
  5. Main players, head coaches or core members of the coaching staff hired by national or provincial sports teams or clubs.
  6. Foreign talents whose average salary income is not less than 6 times the average social salary income of the region in the previous year.

(4) Innovative and entrepreneurial talents

  1. The founder of the company who has invested in major technological inventions, patents and other independent intellectual property rights or proprietary technologies, has stable investment conditions for three consecutive years, the actual investment of the company is not less than 500,000 US dollars, and the personal shares are not less than 30%.
  2. The chairman, legal representative, general manager of the enterprise who has invested in major technological inventions, patents and other independent intellectual property rights or proprietary technologies and has annual sales of more than 10 million yuan or annual tax payment of more than 1 million yuan for three consecutive years. Chief Technologist.
  3. Persons with senior management or technical positions hired by units listed in the list of innovative enterprises or the list of scientific and technological innovation occupations formulated by relevant provincial departments.

(5) Outstanding young talents

Young talents under the age of 40 who are engaged in postdoctoral research in high-level universities outside the country (overseas) or universities in China.

(6) Those with a point-based score of more than 85 points

  1. Foreign Professionals (Category B)

Those who meet the foreigner’s work guidance catalogue and job requirements, are foreign professionals urgently needed for the development of China’s economic and social undertakings, and meet one of the following conditions are identified as Category B.

(1) Foreigners with a bachelor’s degree or above and 2 years or more of relevant work experience

National professionals. In accordance with one of the following provisions:

  1. Managers or professional technicians who are engaged in scientific research, teaching, management and other work in special fields such as education, scientific research, news, publishing, culture, art, health, sports, etc.
  2. implement agreements between Chinese and foreign governments, agreements between international organizations, and Sino-foreign economic and trade and engineering technology contracts shall relax the age requirements for personnel dispatched by internationally renowned academic institutions and international scientific and educational organizations in accordance with the terms of the intergovernmental exchange and cooperation agreement.
  3. Personnel employed by representative offices of international organizations in China and representatives of foreign expert organizations in China.
  4. Middle-level and above employees dispatched by multinational companies, chief representatives and representatives of foreign companies’ resident representative offices in China.
  5. Foreign managers or professional technicians employed by various enterprises, institutions, social organizations, etc.

(2) Holds an international general vocational skill qualification certificate or is in urgent need of skilled talents .

(3) Foreign language teaching staff. In principle, foreign language teaching personnel should

They teach in their native language, have a bachelor’s degree or above, and have more than 2 years of work experience in language education. Among them, those who have obtained a bachelor’s degree or above in education, language or teacher training, or who have obtained a teacher’s qualification certificate in their home country or an international language teaching certificate that meets the requirements can be exempted from the work experience requirement.

Foreign talents whose average salary income is not less than 4 times the average social salary income of the region in the previous year .

(5) Special personnel who meet the regulations of the relevant state departments and personnel who implement the project.

(6) Points are counted in Professionals with a score of 60 and above.

  1. Other foreign personnel (Category C)

Other foreign personnel who meet the needs of the domestic labor market and comply with national policies are identified as category C, mainly including:

(1) Foreigners who meet the current regulations on the administration of foreigners working in China;

(2) Engaged in temporary and short-term (no more than 90 days) foreign personnel working;

(3) Personnel who implement quota system management, including those who come to China according to intergovernmental agreements Foreign youths studying abroad, foreign students who meet the prescribed conditions, and foreign graduates from overseas universities Foreigners who work in special fields such as living and ocean fishing.


Integral element scoring and assignment table (provisional version)

Scoring items standard Score
Directly Qualifying Items Selected into the domestic talent introduction plan and in line with the internationally recognized professional achievement recognition standards
Meet the market-oriented encouraged job standards
Innovative and entrepreneurial talents and outstanding young talents
Annual salary paid by domestic employers (10,000 yuan) The maximum score for this item is 20 points 45 and above 20
(35,45) 17
(25,35) 14
(15,25) 11
(7,15) 8
(5,7) 5
less than 5 0
Up to 20 points for education or vocational skills qualification certificate Doctorate; International highest level vocational skills qualification certificate or senior technician or equivalent 20
Master; Technician or equivalent 15
Bachelor; Senior Engineer or equivalent 10
Working years up to 20 points For more than 2 years, add one point for each additional year up to 20 points
2 years 5
less than two years 0
Annual working time This item has a maximum of 15 points Unit: month Yearly working hours 9 and above 15
(6,9) 10
(3,6) 5
less than 3 0
Chinese proficiency up to 5 points Foreigners who used to have Chinese nationality 5
Obtain a bachelor’s degree or above with Chinese as the medium of instruction 5
Pass the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) Level 5 or above 5
Pass the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) Level 4 4
Pass the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) Level 3 3
Pass the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) Level 2 2
Pass the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) Level 1 1
Work orientation up to 10 points Western Region 10
Northeast China and other old industrial bases 10
National poverty-stricken counties and other special areas 10
Age (years) Maximum 15 points for this item (18,25) 10
(26,45) 15
(46,55) 10
(56,60) 5
greater than 60 0
Graduated from a high-level university outside the country (overseas) or have working experience in a global Fortune 500 company and other specified conditions up to 5 points Graduated from high-level universities abroad (overseas) 5
Experience working in Fortune 500 companies 5
Intellectual property rights such as patents 5
Those who have continuously worked in China for 5 years or more 5
Local incentive bonus up to 10 points for this item Special talents in short supply for local economic and social development needs (specific standards formulated by the provincial foreigner work management department) 0-10


Explanation on the Recognition Criteria for Recognized Professional Achievement of Foreign High-end Talents

The year of each indicator involved in the following recognized occupational achievement recognition standards is the previous year. Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Thousand Talents Program

(Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee: The Recruitment Program of Global Experts)

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: Expert Project for Returning to China (to China) for Settlement and Work

(MOHRSS: Project for Experts’ Return and Settlement in China) Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: High-level Overseas Talents Returning Funding Program

(MOHRSS: Funding Scheme for High-Level Overseas Chinese Students’ Return) Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: Merit-Based Funding Scheme for Overseas Students’ Scientific and Technological Activity Projects

(MOHRSS: Funding Scheme to Outstanding Scientific and Technological Programs by Chinese Students Abroad)

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: Start-up Support Program for Chinese Students Returning to China

(MOHRSS: Supporting Scheme for Returned Overseas Chinese Students’

Entrepreneurial Start-Ups)

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: Postdoctoral International Exchange Program Introduction Project

(MOHRSS: Project on Postdoctoral International Exchanges) Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: Action Plan for Overseas Children to Serve the Country

(MOHRSS: Homeland-Serving Action Plan for Overseas Chinese) State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs: High-end Foreign Experts Program

(SAFEA: High-End Foreign Experts Project) State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs: Chinese Government Friendship Award Project

(SAFEA: Chinese Government Friendship Award)

State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs: Key support projects for the introduction of overseas high-level cultural and educational experts

(SAFEA: Program for the Introduction of High-Level Overseas Cultural and Educational Experts)

State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs: Introduction of Overseas Famous Teachers

(SAFEA: Program for the Introduction of Renowned Overseas Professors) State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs: Promotion Plan for Demonstration Colleges of Internationalization in Universities

(SAFEA: Network in International Centers for Education in China) State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs: Discipline Innovation and Talent Introducing Plan for Higher Education Institutions

(SAFEA: OEI for Disciplinary Innovation in Universities) State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs: “One Belt, One Road” Education, Science, Culture, Health and Intelligence Introducing Plan

(SAFEA: OEI under “Belt and Road Initiative” in Cultural and Educational Sector) State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs: National Scientific Research Platform Foreign Expert Support Program

(SAFEA: Overseas Experts Supporting Programs under National Research Platform) State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs: Dialogue with Masters-Nobel Prize Winners Campus Tour Project

(SAFEA: Dialogue with Masters-Nobel Prize Laureates on Campus) State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs: Cultural and Educational Foreign Youth Talent Introduction Project

(SAFEA: Introduction of Overseas Young Talents in Cultural and Educational Sector) State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs: Special Projects for Universities and Schools under the Ministry

(SAFEA: Special Programs with Universities Directly under the Administration of Ministries and Commissions of the Central Government)

State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs: Chief Foreign Expert Program

(SAFEA: Project for Chief Foreign Experts) State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs: Project for Young Foreign Experts in Economics and Technology

(SAFEA: Project for Young Foreign Experts in Economic and Technological Sector) State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs: Project for Key Foreign Experts in Economics and Technology

(SAFEA: Project for Key Foreign Experts in Economic and Technological Sector) Ministry of Education: Changjiang Scholars Award Program

(Ministry of Education: Changjiang Scholars Program) Ministry of Education: Sino-US Fulbright Program

(Ministry of Education: The Fulbright Program)

Ministry of Land and Resources: Huang Jiqing Young Talent Program of Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences

(Ministry of Land and Resources: The Youth Talent Plan of Huangjiqing) Ministry of Agriculture: Youth Talent Plan of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

(Ministry of Agriculture: The Young Talents Program under Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences)

Ministry of Culture: Overseas high-level cultural talent introduction plan

(Ministry of Culture: The Recruitment Plan for High-level Overseas Cultural Talents) Health and Family Planning Commission: National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment “532” Talent Plan

(National Health and Family Planning Commission: “532” Talents Program under China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment)

Chinese Academy of Sciences: Chinese Academy of Sciences Hundred Talents Program

(Chinese Academy of Sciences: CAS Hundred Talents Project) Chinese Academy of Sciences: Innovation Team International Partnership Program

(Chinese Academy of Sciences: Program for Innovation Teams on International Cooperation)

Chinese Academy of Sciences: Overseas Review Expert Project

(Chinese Academy of Sciences: Program for Overseas Evaluation Experts) Chinese Academy of Sciences: Project for Introducing Outstanding Technical Talents

(Chinese Academy of Sciences: Program for Introduction of Prominent Technical Talents)

China Meteorological Administration: China Meteorological Administration Double Hundred Plan

(China Meteorological Administration: Project for “Hundred Talents” Introduction and “Hundred Talents” Selection)

National Nuclear Power: National Nuclear Power Foreign High-level Talent Introduction Program

(State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC): Program for Foreign High-Level Talents Introduction)

Beijing: Beijing Overseas Talents Gathering Project

(Beijing Municipality: Program for Overseas Talents Aggregation)

(Beijing Municipality: Great Minds Gather in Beijing Plan) Tianjin: Tianjin Haihe Friendship Award

(Tianjin Municipality: Tianjin Hai he Friendship Award) Tianjin: Tianjin Overseas High-level Talent Introduction Program

(Tianjin Municipality: Program for Overseas High-Level Talents Introduction)

Tianjin: Tianjin Foreign Specialist Thousand Talents Program

(Tianjin Municipality: “1000 Foreign Experts Introduction Plan”) Tianjin City: Tianjin Distinguished (Lecture) Professor

(Tianjin Municipality: Tianjin Municipal Distinguished Professor) Tianjin: Start-up Support Program for Overseas Students Returning to China

(Tianjin Municipality: Plan of Supporting Entrepreneurial Talents Returning from Studying Overseas)

Tianjin City: Excellent Funding Program for Tianjin Overseas Students’ Science and Technology Activities Start-up Project

(Tianjin Municipality: Plan of Funding Outstanding Science and Technology Projects Launched by Talents Returning from Studying Overseas)

Hebei Province: Hebei Province Hundred Talents Program

(Hebei Province: “100 Talents Plan” of Hebei Province)

(Hebei Province: “100 Foreign Experts Introduction Plan”) Hebei Province: Hebei Province Yanzhao Friendship Award

(Hebei Province: Yanzhao Friendship Award)

Shanxi Province: Shanxi Province’s Hundred Talents Program for Introducing Overseas High-level Talents

(Shanxi Province: “100 Talent Plan” on Overseas High-Level Talents Introduction) Shanxi Province: Shanxi Provincial Government Friendship Award

(Shanxi Province: Shanxi Provincial Friendship Award) Shanxi Province: Shanxi Province Young Talents Support Program

(Shanxi Province: Shanxi Province: Plan of Funding Outstanding Young Talents) Shanxi Province: Shanxi Province Outstanding Entrepreneur Cultivation Project

(Shanxi Province: Program for Cultivating excellent entrepreneur) Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region: Grassland Talent Project

(Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region: Program for Grassland Elite)

(Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region: Inner Mongolia Steed Award)

(Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region: Program for High-Level Talents Introduction) Liaoning Province: Liaoning Province Ten Hundred Thousand High-Level Talents Introduction Project

(Liaoning Province: 10-100-1000 Program for High-End Talents Introduction) Liaoning Province: Liaoning Friendship Award

(Liaoning Province: Friendship Award of Liaoning Province) Liaoning Province: Liaoning Province introduces key projects of foreign experts

(Liaoning Province: Program for Key Foreign Experts Introduction) Shenyang City: Shenyang Municipal Government “Shenyang Rose Award” project

(Shenyang city: Shenyang Rose Award) Shenyang City: Shenyang City introduces overseas R&D team project

(Shenyang City: Program for Overseas Research and Development Team Introduction) Dalian City: Dalian City High-level Talent Introduction Program

(Dalian City: High-level Talents Introduction Plan) Dalian City: Dalian City Overseas Excellent Experts Gathering Plan

(Dalian City: Plan to promote and congregate a gathering of outstanding overseas experts)

Dalian City: Dalian City Overseas High-level Talent Introduction Plan

(Dalian City: Overseas high-level talents introduction plan) Jilin Province: Jilin Province High-level Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talent Introduction Plan

(Jilin Province: Program for High-Level Entrepreneurial and Innovative Talents Introduction)

Jilin Province: Changbai Mountain Friendship Award in Jilin Province

(Jilin Province: Changbai Mountain Friendship Award) Jilin Province: Jilin Province selects and funds innovation and entrepreneurship projects for returned researchers

(Jilin Province: Funding Program for Preferential Returned Scientific Research Students Innovative and Start-ups)

Jilin Province: Postdoctoral research projects funded by merit-based funding in Jilin Province

(Jilin Province: Funding Program for Preferential Post Doctorate Scientific Research) Changchun City: Changchun City Friendship Award

(Changchun City: Friendship Award) Changchun City: Outstanding Foreign Expert

(Changchun City: Foreign Excellent Experts)

Heilongjiang Province: Interim Measures for Heilongjiang Province to Introduce High-level Overseas Talents

(Heilongjiang Provincial: “1000 Talent Plan” of Heilongjiang)

(Heilongjiang Provincial: Foreign Talents Inviting Project of Heilongjiang Silk Road Economic Belt and Maritime Silk Road Along Sino-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor) Heilongjiang Province: Special Support Program for Longjiang Technological Talents

(Heilongjiang Provincial: Special Supporting Plan for Talents of Science and


Heilongjiang Province: Postdoctoral research projects funded by merit-based funding in Heilongjiang Province

(Heilongjiang Province: Funding Program for Preferential Post Doctorate Scientific Research)

Harbin City: Harbin Talents Gathering Program

(Harbin City: Harbin Talents Aggregation Program) Shanghai: Shanghai Overseas High-level Talent Introduction Program

(Shanghai Municipality: Program for High-Level Overseas Talents Introduction) Shanghai: Shanghai Thousand Talents Program

(Shanghai Municipality: “1000 Talent Plan” of Shanghai) Shanghai: Shanghai Leading Talents Training Program

(Shanghai Municipality: Shanghai Outstanding Academic Leaders Plan) Shanghai: Shanghai Magnolia Award

(Shanghai Municipality: Shanghai Magnolia Award) Shanghai: Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program

(Shanghai Municipality: Shanghai Pujiang Program) Shanghai: Shanghai University Distinguished Professor (Oriental Scholar) Post Program

{Shanghai Municipality: Shanghai Program for Professor of Special Appointment

(Eastern Scholar) at Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learning}

Shanghai: Shanghai Youth Science and Technology Rising Star Program

(Shanghai Municipality: Shanghai Rising-Star Program) Shanghai: Shanghai Excellent Academic/Technical Leader Program

(Shanghai Municipality: Shanghai Program of Shanghai Academic/Technology Research Leader)

Shanghai: Shanghai Jincai Project

(Shanghai Municipality: Shanghai Financial Talent Project) Jiangsu Province: Jiangsu Province High-level Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talent Introduction Program

(Jiangsu Province: Program for High-Level Entrepreneurial and Innovative Talents Introduction)

Jiangsu Province: Jiangsu Province Hundred Foreign Experts Program

(Jiangsu Province: “100 Foreign Experts Introduction Plan”) Jiangsu Province: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Plan for Returned Overseas Students in Jiangsu Province

(Jiangsu Recruitment Program of Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars) Jiangsu Province: Six Talent Peaks

(Jiangsu Province: Jiangsu Six Talent Peaks Program) Jiangsu Province: Jiangsu Distinguished Professor Program

(Jiangsu Province: Jiangsu Specially Appointed Professor Program) Jiangsu Province: Jiangsu Friendship Award

(Jiangsu Province: Jiangsu Friendship Award) Nanjing: Nanjing 321 Talent Introduction Program

(Nanjing City: 321 Program for Talents Introduction)

(Nanjing City: Venture Nanjing Talent Program) Nanjing City: High-end Talent Team Introduction Program

(Nanjing City: Program for High-Level Talent Team Introduction) Zhejiang Province: Zhejiang Province Thousand Talents Program

(Zhejiang Province: “1000 Talents Plan” of Zhejiang Province) Zhejiang Province: Zhejiang Province “Overseas Engineers” Program

(Zhejiang Province: Zhejiang “Overseas Engineers Program”) Zhejiang Province: Zhejiang Province Foreign Experts “West Lake Friendship Award”

(Zhejiang Province: Zhejiang “West Lake Friendship Award” for Foreign Experts)

(Zhejiang Province: Program of Foreign Expertise Introduction of Zhejiang Province) Zhejiang Province: Zhejiang Province “College Elites Program”

(Zhejiang Province: College Elites Aggregation Program of Zhejiang Province) Hangzhou City: Hangzhou Global Talent Attraction 521 Program

(Hangzhou City: 521 Program for Global Talents Introduction)

Hangzhou City: High-end annual salary subsidy project and key subsidy project of Hangzhou “115” Introducing Foreign (Overseas) Intelligence Program

(Hangzhou City: Hangzhou “115” Overseas Talents Introduction Plan) Hangzhou City: Hangzhou Foreign Experts “Qianjiang Friendship Award”

(Hangzhou City: Hangzhou “Qianjiang Friendship Award” for Foreign Experts) Ningbo City: Ningbo 3315 Program

(Ningbo City: 3315 Talents Program) Ningbo City: Ningbo City “Overseas Engineers” Program

(Ningbo City: Ningbo Overseas Engineers (Experts) Program) Ningbo City: Ningbo Camellia Award

(Ningbo City: Camellia Prize) Anhui Province: Anhui Province Hundred Talents Program

(Anhui Province: “100 Talents Plan” of Anhui Province)

(Anhui Province: “100 Foreign Experts Introduction Plan”) Anhui Province: Anhui Province Huangshan Friendship Award

(Anhui Province: Huangshan Friendship Award) Fujian Province: Fujian Province Introducing High-level Entrepreneurial and Innovative Talent Program

(Fujian Province: Program for High-Level Entrepreneurial and Innovative Talents Introduction)

Fujian Province: Fujian Province Hundred Foreign Experts Program

(Fujian Province: “100 Talents Plan” Foreign Experts Program) Fujian Province: Introduce high-level talents from outside the Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zone

(Fujian Province: Program for Overseas High-Level Talents Introduction into Fujian Free Trade Pilot Zone)

Fujian Province: Fujian Province introduces high-level talents (A, B, C categories)

{Fujian Province: Program for High-Level Talents Introduction (A, B and C Class)}

Fujian Province: Fujian Province High-end Foreign Expert Team Introduction Plan

(Fujian Province: Program for High-end Foreign Expert Groups Introduction)

(Fujian Province: Program for Young Foreign Expert Introduction) Fujian Province: Fujian Province Friendship Award

(Fujian Province: Fujian Friendship Award) Fujian Province: Fujian Province introduced high-level overseas talents

(Fujian Province: Program for Overseas High-Level Talents Introduction) Xiamen City: Xiamen City’s Talent Program of “Hai Inclusive and Hundred Rivers”

(Xiamen City: Xiamen City: Program for “ARRIS”)

(Xiamen City: Xiamen City: “Double-Hundred Talents Plan” for High-Level Talents Introduction)

Xiamen: Xiamen “Egret Friendship Award”

(Xiamen City: Egret Friendship Award)

Jiangxi Province: Jiangxi Province plans to introduce outstanding high-level professional and technical personnel at home and abroad

(Jiangxi Province: Program for Domestic and Overseas High-Level Technical Talents Introduction)

Jiangxi Province: Introduction of high-end foreign experts and urgently needed overseas engineers in Jiangxi Province

(Jiangxi province: Program for high-end forein experts and overseas engineers in short supply introduction)

Jiangxi Province: Jiangxi Province Overseas Medical Research Talents Introduction Program

(Jiangxi province: Program for overseas medical research talents introduction) Jiangxi Province: Lushan Friendship Award

(Jiangxi province: Lushan Friendship Award)

Jiangxi Province Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talent Introduction Plan and High-end Talent Flexible Special Recruitment Plan

(Jiangxi province: Program for high Level entrepreneurial and innovative talents introduction and high-end talents flexible introduction)

Shandong Province: Taishan Scholars Construction Project in Shandong Province

(Shandong Province: Taishan Scholars Project)

(Shandong Province: “Double-Hundred Talent Plan” on 100 Foreign Experts and 100 Foreign Expert Teams Introduction)

Shandong Province: Shandong Provincial Government Qilu Friendship Award

(Shandong Province: Shandong Provincial Government Qilu Friendship Award) Jinan City: Jinan City 5150 Talent Attraction Program

(Jinan City: 5150 Program for Talents Introduction)

Jinan City: Spring City Friendship Award

(Jinan City: Quancheng Friendship Award) Jinan City: “Quancheng Entrepreneurship and Innovation” Talent Program

(Jinan City: Quancheng Program for Entrepreneurial and Innovative Talents Introduction)

(Jinan City: Quancheng Program for High-End Foreign Experts Introduction) Qingdao City: Qingdao Entrepreneurship and Innovation Leading Talent Program

(Qingdao City: Program for Entrepreneurial and Innovative Leading Talents) Qingdao City: Qingdao Expert Incentive Program

(Qingdao City: Incentive Plan for High-End Talents) Qingdao City: Winner of “Qindao Award”

(Qingdao City: “Qindao” Award Winner) Qingdao City: Aoshan Talent Introduction Program

(Qingdao City: Aoshan Program for Talents Introduction)

(Qingdao City: Program for Overseas High-Level Experts Introduction) Henan Province: Henan Province Overseas High-Level Experts Introduction Program

(Henan Province: Program for Overseas High-Level Talents Introduction) Henan Province: Henan Province Hundred Talents Program

(Henan Province: “100 Talents Plan” of Henan Province) Henan Province: Henan Province International Talents Cooperation Project Plan

(Henan Province: Henan Province International Talents Cooperation Programme) Henan Province: Henan Province Distinguished Researcher

(Henan Province: Distinguished Professor of Henan Province) Hubei Province: Hubei Province’s Hundred Talents Program for Introducing Overseas High-level Talents

(Hubei Province: “100 Talents Plan” on Overseas High-Level Talents Introduction) Hubei Province: “Chime Bell Award” by Hubei Provincial Government

(Hubei Province: Chime Bell Award by Hubei Provincial People’s Government) Hubei Province: Hubei Province “Chu Cai Project”

(Hubei Province: Chu Talents Program)

(Hubei Province: Talent Introduction Program on High-Levels, Elites,

Top-Leaderships, and Urgently-Needed People) Wuhan: Wuhan Yellow Crane Talent Program

(Wuhan City: Huanghe Talents Plan) Wuhan City: Wuhan Huanghe Friendship Award

(Wuhan City: “Wuhan Yellow Crane Friendship Award”) Wuhan City: Wuhan “City Partner” Program

(Wuhan City: Wuhan City Partner Program) Wuhan City: 3551 Optics Valley Talent Program

(Wuhan City: 3551 Optics Valley Talent Schema) Hunan Province: Hunan Province’s Hundred Talents Program for Introducing Overseas High-level Talents

(Hunan Province: “100 Talents Plan” on Overseas High-Level Talents Introduction) Guangdong Province: Guangdong South-Guangdong Friendship Award

(Guangdong Province: Guangdong Friendship Award) Guangdong Province: Guangdong Province introduces innovative scientific research teams and leading talent projects

(Guangdong Province: Program for Innovative Research Teams and Leading Talents Introduction)

Guangdong Province: Guangdong Special Support Program

(Guangdong Province: Special Support Plan for High-Level Talents) Guangdong Province: Sail Plan

(Guangdong Province: Sail Plan for Talents Development) Guangdong Province: Short-term Work Subsidy Program for Overseas Experts in Guangdong

(Guangdong Province: Funding Scheme for Short-Term Overseas Experts in Guangdong)

Guangzhou: Guangzhou Yangcheng Friendship Award

(Guangzhou City: Guangzhou Friendship Award) Guangzhou City: Guangzhou High-end Foreign Expert Introduction Project

(Guangzhou City: Advanced Foreign Experts Introduction Plan) Guangzhou City: Guangzhou Talent Green Card

(Guangzhou City: Guangzhou Talents Green Card) Guangzhou City: Guangzhou City encourages overseas talents to start business in Guangzhou

(Guangzhou City: Overseas Talents Entrepreneurial Encouragement”Kapok Plan”) Guangzhou City: Yangcheng Innovation and Entrepreneurship Leading Talent Support Plan

(Guangzhou City: “100 Talents Plan” of Entrepreneurial and Innovative Leading Talents)

Shenzhen: Shenzhen Overseas High-level Talent Peacock Program

(Shenzhen City: Peacock Program for Overseas High-Level Talents Introduction) Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: a small highland of talents in Guangxi

(Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: Guangxi Talent Highland)

Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: Guangxi Bagui Scholar

(Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: Guangxi BaGui Scholars) Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: Guangxi Distinguished Expert

(Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: Guangxi Specially-invited Experts)

(Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: 100 Plan on the Introduction of High-level Overseas Talents for Colleges and Universities in Guangxi)

Hainan Province: Measures for Hainan Province to Introduce High-level Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents

(Hainan Province: Measures of Hainan province to introduce high-level innovative talents)

Hainan Province: Implementation Measures for the Introduction of Technological Innovation Teams in Hainan Province

(Hainan Province: Measures for the implementation of scientific and technological innovation teams in Hainan)

Hainan Province: Implementation Measures for Hainan Province to Introduce Overseas High-level Talents

(Hainan Province: Measures for the implementation of the introduction of overseas high-level talents in Hainan)

Hainan Province: Hainan Coconut Island Award

(Hainan Province: Coconut Island Awards of Hainan Province) Chongqing City: Chongqing City Hundred Overseas High-level Talents Gathering Plan

(Chongqing Municipality: Program for Hundred Overseas High-Level Talents Aggregation)

Chongqing: Chongqing Friendship Award

(Chongqing Municipality: Chongqing Friendship Award) Chongqing Municipality: Liangjiang Scholars Program

(Chongqing Municipality: Par-Eu Scholars Program)

(Chongqing Municipality: Chongqing Talents Recruitment Hongyan Plan) Sichuan Province: Sichuan Tianfu Friendship Award

(Sichuan Province: Sichuan Friendship Award) Sichuan Province: Sichuan Thousand Talents Program

(Sichuan Province: “1000 Talent Plan” of Sichuan Province) Sichuan Province: Tianfu High-end Talent Plan

(Sichuan Province: Tianfu Recruitment Program of High-end Foreign Experts) Chengdu: Sands Friendship Award

(Chengdu City: Jinsha Friendship Award) Chengdu City: Chengdu Talent Program

(Chengdu City: Talents Introduction Plan of Chengdu) Guizhou Province: “Hundreds of Thousands” Talents Introduction Plan of Guizhou Province

(Guizhou Province: 100-1000-10000 Talents Introduction Project) Yunnan Province: “Hundred Talents Program” of Yunnan Province’s overseas high-level talent introduction plan

(Yunnan Province: the “100 Talents Plan” on Overseas High-level Talents Recruitment)

Yunnan Province: Caiyun Award for Foreign Experts in Yunnan Province

(Yunnan Province: Yunnan Friendship Award) Yunnan Province: High-end Foreign Expert Project in Yunnan Province

(Yunnan Province: Yunnan Provincial High-end Foreign Experts Project)

(Yunnan Province: Program for High-end Scientific and Technological Talents Recruitment)

Shaanxi Province: Shaanxi Province Hundred Talents Program

(Shaanxi Province: “100 Talents Plan” of Shaanxi Province) Shaanxi Province: Shaanxi Province “San Qin Friendship Award”

(Shaanxi Province: “Sanqin Friendship Award”) Shaanxi Province: High-end Foreign Expert Project in Shaanxi Province

(Shaanxi Provincial top Foreign Experts Project) Xi’an: Xi’an 5211 Talent Attraction Program

(Xi’an City: 5211 Program for Talents Introduction) Xi’an City: Xi’an Friendship Award

(Xi’an City: Xi’an Friendship Award) Xi’an City: Xi’an Outstanding Foreign Expert Award

(Xi’an City: Xi’an Excellent Foreign Experts Award) Xi’an City: Xi’an Overseas High-level Talent Project

(Xi’an City: Program for Overseas High-Level Talents) Gansu Province: Gansu Provincial Government “Dunhuang Award” project

(Gansu Province: Gansu Provincial Government Foreign Experts Dunhuang Award) Gansu Province: Gansu Provincial Key Foreign Experts Introduction Project

(Gansu Province: Gansu Important Foreign Experts Introduction Program) Gansu Province: Gansu Province Overseas High-level Talent Introduction Program

(Gansu Province: Gansu Oversea High Level Talents Introduction Program) Qinghai Province: Qinghai Province High-level Innovative Talents Thousand Talents Program

(Qinghai Province: Qinghai Provincial High-end and Innovative 1000 Talents Plan) Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region: Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Liupanshan Friendship Award

(Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region: Ningxia Liupan Mountain Friendship Award)

(Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region: “100 Talents Plan” for Talents Introduction) Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region: “Tianshan Award” by the People’s Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

(Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region: Tianshan Prize of People Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region)

Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region: Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region High-level Talent Introduction Project

(Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region: High-level Personnel Introducing Project of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region)

Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: Distinguished Expert of the Corps

(Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: Distinguished Experts of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps)

Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: Corps Oasis Friendship Award

(Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: Oasis Friendship Award of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps)

  1. International Famous Architecture Award

Pritzker Prize Gold Nugget

International Prize for Architecture Aga Khan Awards for Architecture

ARCASIA awards for Architecture Open Architecture Prize


Industrial Design Excellence Awards in the United States Reddot Design Awards in Germany

German IF Design Award (IF Awards)

Design Effectiveness Awards

French Observeur du Design Italian Compassod`Oro Awards

Austrian Adolf Loos Design Prize Australian Design Awards

Belgium Henry van de Velde Awards

Spanish National Design Prize Danish Design Prize

Dutch Design Awards Fennia Prize

Japan G-MARK Design Awards (Good Design Awards)

Good Design Products Selection Singapore Design Awards

  1. List of internationally renowned academic institutions and international scientific and educational organizations

International Centre for Theoretical Physics

(Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, ICTP) Federation of Asian Academy of Sciences and Societies

(Federation of Asian Scientific Academies and Societies, FASAS) International Committee for Scientific and Technological Data

(Committee on Data for Science and Technology, CODATA) International Committee on Space Research

(Committee on Space Research, COSPAR) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO) Committee of the International Academy of Sciences

(InterAcademy Council, IAC) International Academy of Sciences

(InterAcademy Panel on International Issues, IAP) International Association for Tropical Ecosystems and Biodiversity

(InternationaI Association for Tropical Ecosystem and Biodiversity, IATEB) International Desertification Control Research and Training Center

(InternationaI Center for Research and Training on Desertification Control, ICRTDC) International Mountain Comprehensive Development Center

(International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, ICIMOD) International Geosphere Biosphere Program

(InternationaI Geosphere Biosphere Programme, IGBT) International Organization for Standardization

(International Organization for Standardization, ISO)

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) International Council for Science (ICSU)

International Foundation for Science (IFS)

International Society of Zoological Sciences (ISZS) International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE) International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics

(International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics, IUPAB)

(International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry, IUPAC) International Union for Pure and Applied Physics

(International Union for Pure and Applied Physics, IUPAP) International Union for Quaternary Research

(International Union for Quaternary Research, INQUA) International Union of Biological Sciences

(International Union of Biological Sciences, IUBS) International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics

(International Union of Geodesyand Geophysics, IUGG) Man and the Biosphere Program

(Man and Biosphere Programme, MAB) Organization of Women Scientists in Developing Countries

(Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World, OWSD) Scientific Committee on Environmental Issues of the International Union of Science

(Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment, SCOPE) International Long-term Ecological Research Network

(International Long Term Ecological Research, ILTER) UNESCO

(United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture, UNESCO) World Conservation Union

(International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN) United Nations Development Programme

(United Nations Development Programme, UNDP) United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

(United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, ESCAP) United Nations Environment Programme

(United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP) United Nations University

(United Nations University, UNU)

Academy of Sciences for Developing Countries

(The World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries, TWAS)

World Climate Research Program

(World Climate Research Program, WCRP) World Data System

(World Data System, WDS)

  1. “Fortune 500” is the “World’s 500 Largest Companies” selected by the US “Fortune” magazine last year


Goldman Sachs Morgan Stanley JPMorgan Chase Citibank

American International Group (AIG) HSBC (HSBC)

Societe Generale BNP Paribas

BNP Paribas Peregrine ABN AMRO Bank

ING Group Deutsche Bank

Dresdner Bank AG

Credit Suisse First Boston United Bank of Switzerland Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group DBS Bank Limited Singapore


Pricewaterhouse Coopers Deloitte & Touche

Ernst & Young KPMG

AGN International

Igus International Accounting Firm (IGAF)

INPACT International

Baker Tilly International Baker Tilly International BKR International

BDO International Fiducial global

Horwath International Horwath International HLB International

Morison International

Grant Thornton International Kreston International RSM International

United Accountants International Accounting Firm (CPAAI)

Moores Rowland International


The Juilliard School

College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati Boston Conservatory of Music

Department of Music, Harvard University School of Music, Indiana University

Department of Music, Indiana State University Oberlin Conservatory of Music

School of Music, Ohio State University

School of Music, Pennsylvania State University Department of Music, Princeton University

San Francisco Conservatory of Music

Department of Musicology, University of California School of Music, University of Michigan

School of Music, University of Washington Department of Music, Yale University

Department of Music, Goldsmiths College, University of London

Birmingham Conservatoire

Music Department, University of Aberdee

Guildhall School of Music and Drama London College of Music and Media

Anglia Polytechnic University School of Music (Music department, Anglia Polytechnic University) Bath Spa University College (Bath Spa University College)

Department of Music, Birmingham University Department of Music, Durham University

Department of Music, Keele University

Lancaster University School of Music (Music Department, Lancaster University)

Music Department, Oxford Brookes University Royal School of Church Music

Music Department, Sheffield University

Music Department, Southampton University Music Department, University of Surrey

School of Music, University of Wales Music Centre, University of Warwick Music Department, York University

School of Music, Australian National University, Canberra

Sydney Conservatorium of Music

Music Department, University of Ballarat Music Department, University of Melbourne

Music Department, University of New England

♘Music Department, University of Queensland

Conservatorium of Music, University of Tasmania Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne

Music Department, Bishop’s University Music Department, Brandon University Music Department, Brock University

Capilano College, Music Therapy Capilano College, Jazz Studies Royal College of Art

Rhode Island School of Design

Parsons School of Design or Parsons The New School for Design University of the Arts London

Pratt Institute

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Politecnico di Milano

Goldsmiths, University of London California Institute of the Arts

RMIT University in Australia Aalto University in Finland

Design Academy Eindhoven, Finland Art Center College of Design, USA The Glasgow School of Art, UK


Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra London Symphony Orchestra

Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Bavarian Symphony Orchestra Orchestra National de France

Philadelphia Orchestra Cleveland Orchestra

Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra Budapest Festival Orchestra Dresden Staatskapelle

Boston Symphony Orchestra New York Philharmonic Orchestra

San Francisco Symphony Orchestra Israel Philharmonic Orchestra

Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra Russian National Orchestra

St.Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra

Metropolitan Opera Orchestra Czech Philharmonic Orchestra

NHK Symphony Orchestra Saito Kinen Orchestra

Amsterdam Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Toronto Symphony Orchestra


Teatro alla Scala in Milan

Teatro dell’Opera di Roma

Vienna State Opera (Wiener Staatsoper) Paris Opera (Opera de Garnier)

Royal Opera House Covent Garden, London Berlin German State Opera

Deutsche Oper Berlin

Bavarian State Opera (Bayerische Staatsoper)

Wagner Festival Theatre, Bayreuth Glyndebourne Festival Opera Metropolitan Opera House, New York

National Theatre Prague

Royal Opera House Stockholm Bolshoi Theatre of Russia

St.Petersburg Kirov Opera TeatreLiceu Barcelona


Golden Hall, Vienna

Concertgebouw, Amsterdam Carnegie Hall, New York


National Book Award Pulitzer Prize for Literature Man Booker Prize

French Prix Goncourt

  1. Internationally renowned film, television and drama awards

Academy Awards Cannes Film Festival (Festival De Cannes)

Venice International Film Festival Berlin International Film Festival Hong Kong Film Awards

Taiwan Golden Horse Awards Emmy Awards

Banff World Television Festival Tony’s Awards


Grammy Awards Mercury Prize

CMT Music Awards

MTV Asia Awards

MTV Europe Music Awards American Music Awards

British Record Industry Trust Awards Billboard Music Awards

Juno Awards Polar prize


American Golden Pencil Award (One Show)

London International Advertising Awards Cannes Lions Advertising Campaign

Mobius Advertising Awards Clio Awards

New York Festivals

  1. International Famous Art Competition

one class competition

Chopin International Piano Competition

(Frederick Chopin International Piano Competition) Scriapin International Piano Competition

(Alexander Scriabin International Piano Competition) Hamamatsu International Piano Competition, Japan

(Hamamatsu International Piano Competition) Cleveland International Piano Competition

(Cleveland International Piano Competition) AXA Dublin International Piano Competition

(AXA Dublin International Piano Competition) Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Masters Competition

(Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Master Competition) Sydney International Piano Competition, Australia

(Sydney International Piano Competition of Australia) Santander International Piano Competition

(Santander International Piano Competition)

Max Rosta International Viola and Violin Competition

(International Max Rostal Competition for Viola and Violin) Hill International Violin Competition

(Micheal Hill International Violin Competition) Hannover International Violin Competition

(Hannover International Violin Competition) Paganini International Violin Competition

(International Violin Competition “Premio Paganini”) Queen Song Ya International Vocal Competition

(Queen Sonja International Music Competition) Renata Tebaldi International Vocal Competition

(Renata Tebaldi International Voice Competition) BBC Cardiff International Voice Competition

(BBC Cardiff Singer of the World) Miriam Helin International Vocal Competition

(Mirjam Helin International Singing Competition) Toulouse International Singing Competition, France

(Concours International de Chant de la Ville de Toulouse) Tokyo International Guitar Competition, Japan

(Tokyo International Guitar Competition) American Guitar Foundation International Classical Guitar Competition

(Guitar Foundation of America International Convention and Competition) Tchaikovsky International Music Competition

(International Tchaikovsky Competition) Queen Elizabeth International Music Competition

(Queen Elisabeth International Music Competition) Carl Nielsen International Music Competition

(Carl Neilsen International Music Competition) Jorche Enescu International Music Competition

(George Enescu International Festival and Competition) New York International Ballet Competition

(New York International Ballet Competition) Helsinki International Ballet Competition

(Helsinki International Ballet Competition) Varna International Ballet Competition

(International Ballet Competition-VARNA) Nagoya International Ballet and Modern Dance Competition, Japan

(Nagoya International Ballet & Modern Dance Competition) World Cup Accordion Competition (Coupe Mondiale)

Castel Fedado International Accordion Competition, Italy

(International “Citta di Castelfidardo” Prize and Award for Accordion Bands and Soloists)

Klingenthal International Accordion Competition, Germany

(International Accordion Competition Klingenthal) London International String Quartet Competition

(London International String Quartet Competition) Category II Competition

Beethoven International Piano Competition

(International Beethoven Competition for Piano) Jaén International Piano Competition in Spain

(Concourso International De Piano Premio “Jaen”) Ukraine Vladimir Horowitz International Young Pianist Competition

(International Competition for Young Pianists on Memory of Vladimir Horowicz) South Africa International Piano Competition

(Unisa International Piano Competition) International Violin Competition

(Consorso Internazionale di Violin A Curci) Jordolph Lipitzer International Violin Competition

(Concorso Internazionale di Violino “PremioRodolfo Lipizer”) Sarasati International Violin Competition

(Sarasate International Violin Competition) Spain Francisco Viñas International Vocal Competition

(Francisco Vinas International Singing Competition) Bilbao International Singing Competition

(International Voice Competition of Bilbao) Villevière International Vocal Competition

(Concours International de Chant de Verviers) Seoul International Dance Competition, South Korea

(Seoul International Dance Competition) Belarus Vitebsk International Modern Dance Competition

(International Festival of Modern Choreography) New York International Ballet Competition

(New York International Ballet Competition) Vishnevskaya International Opera Competition, Russia

(International Opera Singers Contest of Galina Vishnevskaya) Marseille International Opera Competition

(Marseilles International Opera Competition) International Youth Opera Competition

(Boris Christoff International Competition for Young Opera Singers) Shizuoka International Opera Competition

(Shizuoka International Opera Competition) Romania “Golden Deer” International Pop Music Competition

(Golden Stag International Festival of Pop Music) Kazakhstan “Voice of Asia” International Pop Music Competition

(“Voice of Asia” International Festival) Joseph Joachim International Chamber Music Competition

(Joseph Joachim international Chamber MusicCompetition) Oscar International Chamber Music Competition

(Osaka International Chamber Music Competition) Lille International Harp Competition

(Lille International Harp Competition) Vienna International Young Classical Guitarist Competition

(International Youth Guitar Festival Forum Wien Competition) Sendai International Music Competition, Japan

(Sendai International Music Competition)

  1. Internationally important sports competitions

United States Open Tennis Championships French Open Tennis Tournament

Australian Open Tennis Tournament

Wimbledon Open Tennis Championships China Open Tennis Championships

World Snooker Championship F1 Grand Prix

NBA League

UEFA Champions League European Football Championship Soccer America’s Cup

Tour de France

  1. Important International Organizations

United Nations and its subsidiary bodies, specialized agencies, etc.

(The United Nations and its Subsidiary Bodies, Specialized Agencies and Others) International Red Cross

World Trade Organization

International Monetary Fund

World Intellectual Property Organization World Bank

International Organization for Migration Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) Boao Forum for Asia (BFA)

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) European Union (European Union)

Arab League African Union

Association of Southeast Asian Nations — ASEAN International Criminal Police Organization International Olympic Committee

Olympic Council of Asia (OCA)

  1. Criteria for the division of large, medium, small and micro enterprises

(Large, medium and small enterprises must meet the lower limit of the listed indicators at the same time, otherwise they will be assigned a lower notch; micro enterprises only need to meet one of the listed indicators.)

Industry name Indicator name unit of measurement large medium small miniature
Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery Operating Income (Y) million Y≥20000 500≤Y<20000 50≤Y<500 Y<50
industry Practitioners (X) people X≥1000 300≤X<1000 20≤X<300 X<20
Operating Income (Y) million Y≥40000 2000≤Y<40000 300≤Y<2000 Y<300
construction industry Operating Income (Y) million Y≥80000 6000≤Y<80000 300≤Y<6000 Y<300
Total assets (Z) million Z≥80000 5000≤Z<80000 300≤Z<5000 Z<300
Wholesale industry Practitioners (X) people X≥200 20≤X<200 5≤X<20 X<5
Operating Income (Y) million Y≥40000 5000≤Y<40000 1000≤Y<5000 Y<1000
retail Practitioners (X) people X≥300 50≤X<300 10≤X<50 X<10
Operating Income (Y) million Y≥20000 500≤Y<20000 100≤Y<500 Y<100
Transportation industry Practitioners (X) people X≥1000 300≤X<1000 20≤X<300 X<20
Operating Income (Y) million Y≥30000 3000≤Y<30000 200≤Y<3000 Y<200
Warehousing Practitioners (X) people X≥200 100≤X<200 20≤X<100 X<20
Operating Income (Y) million Y≥30000 1000≤Y<30000 100≤Y<1000 Y<100
postal industry Practitioners (X) people X≥1000 300≤X<1000 20≤X<300 X<20
Operating Income (Y) million Y≥30000 2000≤Y<30000 100≤Y<2000 Y<100
Accommodation industry Practitioners (X) people X≥300 100≤X<300 10≤X<100 X<10
Operating Income (Y) million Y≥10000 2000≤Y<10000 100≤Y<2000 Y<100
Catering Practitioners (X) people X≥300 100≤X<300 10≤X<100 X<10
Operating Income (Y) million Y≥10000 2000≤Y<10000 100≤Y<2000 Y<100
Information transmission industry Practitioners (X) people X≥2000 100≤X<2000 10≤X<100 X<10
Operating Income (Y) million Y≥100000 1000≤Y<100000 100≤Y<1000 Y<100
Software and Information Technology Services Industry Practitioners (X) people X≥300 100≤X<300 10≤X<100 X<10
Operating Income (Y) million Y≥10000 1000≤Y<10000 50≤Y<1000 Y<50
Real estate development and management Operating Income (Y) million Y≥200000 1000≤Y<200000 100≤Y<1000 Y<100
Total assets (Z) million Z≥10000 5000≤Z<10000 2000≤Z<5000 Z<2000
Property management Practitioners (X) people X≥1000 300≤X<1000 100≤X<300 X<100
Operating Income (Y) million Y≥5000 1000≤Y<5000 500≤Y<1000 Y<500
Leasing and business services Practitioners (X) people X≥300 100≤X<300 10≤X<100 X<10
Total assets (Z) million Z≥120000 8000≤Z<120000 100≤Z<8000 Z<100
Other unspecified industries Practitioners (X) people X≥300 100≤X<300 10≤X<100 X<10
  1. First-class art groups from mainland China or Hong Kong and Macau:

China National Symphony Orchestra Shanghai Symphony Orchestra

China Philharmonic Orchestra

Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra

Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Macau Orchestra

  1. Domestic mainstream media

People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, People’s Central Broadcasting Station, China Radio International, Qiushi Magazine ( Qiushi), Guangming Daily,

Economic Daily, China Daily, Immediate institutions of China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration and other central-level news media (asrepresentatives of the central media of China) ;

Regional media including provincial (autonomous regions and municipalities) Party newspapers, radio and TV news channels and etc.;

Municipal media including Party newspapers, radio and TV news channels of large and medium sized cities;, People’s Daily Online and other Major news websites supported by the State.

18 commenti su “Classification Standard for Foreigners to Work in China (Trial)”

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