
prisoner, prison, jail-6930395.jpg

¿Qué hacer si te detiene la policía china? ¡No entres en pánico, solo lee este artículo!

Author: Shi Qing Translator: Anel, Ji Jingwen “Hello! We are Shenyang Police Station investigators, please cooperate with us and proceed to the police station! ” You are handcuffed. In such a situation, thousands of thoughts and all possible outcomes of events rush through your head. “What to do? What did I do and why was …

¿Qué hacer si te detiene la policía china? ¡No entres en pánico, solo lee este artículo! Leer más »

Todo lo que necesitas saber antes de venir a China

Key words: China, foreigner, culture, language, food, visa, social media From the writer The content of this report will be based on my personal experience for five years, the experience of my friends and acquaintances. In my opinion, five years is not enough to understand all the cultural, linguistic, historical, spiritual, economic and legal nuances …

Todo lo que necesitas saber antes de venir a China Leer más »

keywords:Юрист в Китае Юрист в Китае