《The process of opening a company for foreigners in mainland China》

If you want to start a company in China, you need to know the steps to start a company in China.

Here are the ten steps for foreigners to open a company in China, which can only be used as a reference.

Ⅰ. Clarify the basic information of the company

According to the business needs and plans, choose the type of company you want to establish, the company name, the company location and the business scope of the company you want to establish in accordance with the law.

Ⅱ. Reserve company name

Go to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) to reserve the company name (Pre-registration) and obtain the Notice of Pre-Approval of Foreign-Invested Enterprise Names

Ⅲ. Obtain the approval certificate of foreign-invested enterprises

go to the approval certificate of the China Merchants Bureau of the Provincial Government or the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) of the People’s Republic of China, that is, the Approval Certificate of Foreign-invested Enterprises and approval documents.

Ⅳ. Prepare all the required documents: the name of the pre-registered

Company, the legal address of the company, the articles of association, the amount of registered capital, the feasibility study report and other relevant documents.

Ⅴ. Go through the enterprise registration formalities and apply for a business license

Within 30 days of obtaining the approval certificate of the Ministry of Commerce, go through the registration and application for a business license with the local administration for Industry and Commerce (AIC), that is, authorized industrial and commercial bureau. After examination and approval by the Bureau of Industry and Commerce, you can obtain the Business License of Enterprise Legal Person.

Ⅵ. Tax registration

After receiving the business license, you need to go to the tax bureau for tax registration. You can choose to hire an accountant, and then register the basic operation and financial information of the company in the tax bureau.

Ⅶ. Registration and inspection

Company information registered in the Public Security Bureau (PSB) and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE)

Ⅷ. Verify the foreign exchange account

Open the company’s bank account and foreign account, and deposit funds

Ⅸ. Registered trademark

register the trademark of the company with the Trademark Office.

Ⅹ.Calculate the tax you need to spend

In the next time we will tell us about the “The main expenses of foreigners starting a company in mainland China “



Foreigners need to face some challenges in registering companies in China, such as language, culture, law and other differences. Therefore, it is recommended that foreigners can seek professional legal, accounting and business consulting services before registering a company to help them understand the relevant regulations and procedures.

OIOLaw ist spezialisiert auf Rechts- und Wirtschaftsberatung in China, einschließlich Steuern, Arbeitsrecht, Visaprobleme, Import- und Exportfragen, Marken, Registrierung von Unternehmen, Investitionen, Betrug, Strafsachen usw. Wir bieten auch professionelle Übersetzungs- und Dolmetschdienste für über 40 Sprachen an.



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